
Sitler Woods

This 50-acre site, secured as part of the Vision 20/20 campaign, is near Newbury and has long been recognized by the Trust as a top priority for securement. Situated within the extensive Skunk’s Misery Natural Area, this parcel links two woodlands that are in county ownership. The Skunk’s Misery complex is home to many rare species that require large tracts of interior woodland to thrive. Thames Talbot Land Trust already owns other parcels within the complex, as do others including the County of Middlesex, Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority, and many private landowners. Protection of this property ensures that unbroken forest cover will be maintained at this location. The property features many mature trees and older growth characteristics that distinguish it from the majority of woodlots in southwestern Ontario, where logging occurs regularly. This remarkable forest community is home to many at-risk birds.

Turtlehead by David Wake.