In the air, on a leaf, underground? Insects are everywhere! Discover more about butterflies, dragonflies and all kinds of insects from Stan Caveney, an enthusiastic entomologist and naturalist, during a hike through MeadowWoods in West Elgin. This spectacular nature reserve contains forests, thickets, ravines, meadows and wetlands. It is home to more than 200 species of birds, as well as many mammals, reptiles, amphibians and, of course, insects. Dress appropriately as biting insects and ticks are possible. MeadowWoods is normally closed to the public. Join us for a rare opportunity to visit this remarkable reserve.
Registration for this event is required and subject to COVID-19 regulations at the time. This event may be postponed due to weather conditions. Masks are only required where physical distancing cannot be maintained.