TTLT has teamed up with the Friends of the London Civic Garden Complex, the London Middlesex Master Gardeners, and the Garden Club of London to bring you the "Little Gardeners Children's Workshop" as part of City of London Play Your Way. This workshop offers some gardening fun, knowledge and creativity during the cold winter months for children ages 6-12.
Feb. 15 Create a kitchen garden with The London Middlesex Master Gardeners. You will sow vegetable and herb seeds and learn how to care for them until harvest.
Feb. 22 The Friends of the London Civic Garden Complex will walk you through potting up tropical houseplants. Learn what their importance is in your home and garden.
Mar. 1 Thames Talbot Land Trust will show you how to make a bee home and clay seed ball for our little bee friends.
Mar. 8 Have fun with flowers with The Garden Club of London and create a St. Patrick’s Day table centerpiece with fresh flowers, greenery and decorations.
The cost for this workshop is $56. You can book your spot on the City of London's online booking system here.