
Beryl Ivey Woods Celebration

Join us and help us celebrate the permanent protection of Beryl Ivey Woods!  This is TTLT's 15th property! 

With your help we've raised 100% of the funds to permanently protect this beautiful property. Well done! 

Where: Closest intersection is Trillium Drive and Dogwood Road. Entrance to property is on Trillium Drive, 400 metres east of Dogwood Road. 

When: October 14, 2017 at 2-4pm

This 50-acre property located in the Municipality of Southwest Middlesex is part of the Skunk's Misery Natural Area. Several species which are characteristic of Carolinian habitat such as Sassafras and Tulip Tree occur at this site. Many species of ash, oak, and maple are commonly found here as well. Species-at-risk found at this property include Eastern Flowering Dogwood, Butternut, and American Chestnut. Cerulean Warbler, Prothonotary Warbler, and Acadian Flycatcher have been documented on adjacent properties in the Skunk's Misery Natural Area.

 Thank you to all of our supporters of the Beryl Ivey Woods Campaign. 


October 14, 2017 at 2:00pm - 4pm
Beryl Ivey Woods
Trillium Drive and Dogwood Road
Newbury , ON N0L 1Z0
Google map and directions
Julia Eastabrook · · 519-858-3442
Cathy Quinlan Blake Mann David Wake Lee Symmes Kim McCabe Doug Reycraft Anita and Stan Caveney Wayne Tingle George & Debbie Moniz Kaylee Stanlick Sharon White Christine Troughton Anne Gehman Brian Wheeler Chris Leys

Will you come?