
Volunteer event: Bat Monitoring at MeadowWoods


This summer, TTLT is surveying for bats at Blain Farm and MeadowWoods. Survey data helps to inform conservation for these unique but often misunderstood creatures. You can help!

Volunteers are invited to join us on Wednesday, July 28th at 9pm at MeadowWoods to learn how to complete bat transect monitoring with an acoustic monitor. You will learn the monitoring protocol, how to use the equipment, and the transect route. Trained volunteers will then be able to sign up for monitoring shifts throughout August.

Group size is limited so please RSVP at the bottom of this page.

What to expect:

This is an outdoor event taking place shortly after sunset. We will be walking approximately 3km. Be prepared for potentially wet, muddy, and uneven terrain. The monitoring equipment will be provided, but please bring your own headphones, as well as whatever you need to be comfortable and safe during this event.

  • Proper footwear such as waterproof hiking books or rubber boots
  • Long sleeves and pants and bug spray
  • Head lamp or flashlight with spare batteries
  • Water
  • Headphones

We may encounter ticks at this event. Be sure to check for ticks before leaving the site and once you get home. More info on ticks is available here.

July 28, 2021 at 9:00pm - 11pm
21105 Gray Line
West Elgin, ON N0L 2C0
Google map and directions
Colin Johnson ·

Will you come?