Straddling the boundary between the City of London and the Municipality of Middlesex Centre, this 55-acre nature reserve was donated by Karen and Eric Auzins toward the Vision 20/20 campaign. It consists of both wetlands and woodlands including a floodplain swamp along the Dingman Creek. The wetland areas are part of the provincially significant Brigham Road Wetland and are within a candidate City of London Environmentally Significant Area (ESA). This property is part of a wildlife corridor along Dingman Creek extending from the Dorchester Swamp to the Thames River at Delaware. Dingman Creek provides habitat for over 50 species of fish and mussels. The floodplain and upland forests protect water quality and provide habitat for a diversity of plants and animals. Some of the upwards of 160 plants recorded at the Auzins Nature Sanctuary are rarely found in Ontario, but thrive in this nature reserve.
Bloodroot by Jane Bowles.