Our first ever volunteer orientation is an event for new and existing TTLT volunteers! You will learn about Species at Risk monitoring and assessment on TTLT properties, invasive species identification and management practices, and specific protocols and techniques we use in the field. There will be time for mingling and to sign up for stewardship activities.
12:30: Arrival, Registration and Snacks!
1:00: Introduction to Thames Talbot Land Trust
1:15: Species at Risk on TTLT Properties
1:30: Invasive Species on TTLT Properties and Management Practices
2:00: Techniques and Protocols for Safe and Effective Field Work
2:30: Activities Sign-up and Questions
April 16, 2016 at 1:00pm - 3pm
Bruce Pavillion (TTLT Office)
944 Western Counties Rd
London, ON N6C6A8
Google map and directions
944 Western Counties Rd
London, ON N6C6A8
Google map and directions
Daria Koscinski
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