
Adopt-a-Patch Training

Garlic Mustard Year One Garlic Mustard

This training session is for the Five Points Forest Adopt-a-Patch Program. Volunteers will be trained on the effects of invasive species on biodiversity and their identification, invasive species removal practices, the requirements of the program and important next steps. Adopt-a-Patch volunteers are encouraged to attended one of TTLT's Volunteer Orientation sessions on April 13 or April 16, 2016.

Lunch will be provided!

For more information on the Adopt-a-Patch program, click here.

Locator Map

Photo credits:

First year Garlic Mustard plants (left): www.eattheweeds.com
Second year Garlic Mustard plants (right): King County

April 23, 2016 at 10:00am - 12pm
Five Points Forest
4975 Robinson Rd RR4
Putnam, ON N0L 2B0
Google map and directions
Daria Koscinski ·

Will you come?